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Book of the Month - January 2023


Whilst I'm waiting for you to join me in session I tend to read books, this helps ground myself and gets me ready for my next client or moves any stray random thoughts away so I'm ready to focus on you. I don't read just any books but counselling or therapy books, anything that helps me to grow as a therapist. Therapists and counsellors registered with the BACP are required to continue learning and developing professionally so reading is something I do to support that. I read books that interest me, are recommended or if I am working with an issue I don't have much awareness on, I will go away, research and read up on it so I can continue giving you the support you deserve.

I've just finished reading Unshame by Carolyn Spring. I chose this book as I have done some training on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and attachment that she has created previously. I would recommend this book for both therapists but actually, mainly for people who are interested in starting therapy.

The book is wrote by Carolyn as she is going through therapy herself, it is from the perspective of you, as the client. She writes her thoughts and feelings about herself, what occurs in therapy, what her therapist says and details what happened in therapy for her.

I feel it gives good insight in to the inner sanctum of the therapy room, how therapists can talk, what kind of things they say, do, encourage and what happened for Carolyn as the client. It shows an insight into a 6 year process of long term therapy and how things do take time to change within our personal development. If you're thinking of giving therapy a go and unsure what it's like - this may give a good insight, but do remember; counselling is unique for everyone so your experience may be nothing like this.

For us therapists out there, I think it can give us a good reminder, what its like for people starting therapy and going through the process. It covered themes of trauma, dissociating, mindfulness and shame. A good reminder too that, we don't always get it right as therapists, we're human and we are working with people to help them develop a strong understanding of themselves.

If you are interested, she also wrote another book called Recovery is my Best Revenge as well as providing free and paid for trauma resources and training on her website

On to February's book - I would say I'm ahead of schedule, but I did start this in November and admittedly - I stopped reading for a few weeks. New Year, new book, new blog posts, hopefully continue onwards with this.



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